Mission First

This one may seem like it’s directed only at men, but that’s not accurate.

Everyone should have a mission. Some people call it a purpose or calling.

No matter what you call it, every single person who’s working towards something would do well to remember their mission.

Your mission isn’t the same thing as what many gurus call your “why”.

When I think of some of the most overused cliches used to motivate and inspire marketers The Why stands out among them as one of the worst.

Let’s forget about changing the world, shall we?
It takes a monumental effort, energy, and focus over time to change your own world. Just imagine what it would take to actually change the rest of the world.

Besides, when did You yourself become a less than worthy reason to excel and build something?

What about your family?

They should be enough reason if You aren’t good enough.

The point I’m making is that everything starts small and grows. If you haven’t yet broken free from your job and gone full-time into marketing, changing the world is the least of your worries. (it probably shouldn’t even be on the list, given the track record of those attempting to achieve it)

What’s your mission?

Your mission is a large overview of what you want to accomplish. It’s not the same thing as a goal, but it does share some characteristics.

Your goals are the stepping stones that identify forward progress as you work on your mission.

Your mission is what gets you out of bed every day and gives you that sense of a day well spent when you go to bed at night.

Your mission is why you can say No to other people when they want some of your time. It’s the reason you exist. It’s what you’ll look back on in your last days when you measure your life against what it might have been.

I reminded a friend of mine of these concepts just last night. It seems that he’s been doing a whole lot for other people while his mission had been put in a corner.

That’s no good for anyone.

Always keep your mission first in your mind. No matter what else happens to you, your mission should be kept on track.

There will be times that other people don’t understand, and that’s OK. Nobody else has to understand. As long as you know what you’re about and why you’re doing it, everything else takes a back seat.

That’s how great things get accomplished.

You can find all the tools and training you need to follow your Mission here

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