
“It’s Essential To Start With A Planner So We Don’t Put Things Off” But Why?”…

Hi, I’m super Excited You’re Here…

I know we all Have busy schedules right?
You want to do so many things in your
business, but can’t seem to find the time?

You’re excited, (like me), once you saw all
the things and tools you get to use,…

Your Very Own Instant Blog…
(Use Mine For Ideas)…

(Even This Instant Blog) to share with your
social media friends & colleagues…

especially people on your team as well!
It’s all about scheduling time to learn what you
have. Take that learning and teach others as you go…

Don’t wait til the end of all the training,and then
decide, “Oh, Now I’m gonna show everybody

what I know and tell them everything”…

“Yeah Right!”, you’ll be asking yourself..
“Hmmm, Where d I start? What do I tell
someone!? …

“There’s so much to tell, I don’t even know
what to start my conversations to really

show a person this is why they need
for any niche or business they want

Watch For My Next Post…

to last long term…
So I’d say follow me…

Add Posts of your own similar to
mine and we’ll do it together Post

by Post…

And we’ll start with the Awesome Planner
to schedule our daily tasks to get a small
activity that will definitely create…

momentum as we Start Right Here and
now… Grab yourself A Planner that

you love! I use a Planner Called “Empire
Builders” I love the Title and its Format..

There’s the “Tomorrow List” as well
which is  located under Tools and Resources…

You get the Training on how to
use this tool. and use Tags that will

help you separate different topics.
Example of  this is  #buyers leads”,
another tag can say “DFY Emails,

and #DFY Emails will have done
for you emails listed under that
#Buyers Leads can have
locations to get “Buyers Leads”,
or a list of buyers leads in a csv.
file, etc

Anyhow, the point is to create a schedule
of some sort to get a repeat action done

towards goals that can create income
producing activities so you can really

earn more while actually working less…
As your members follow you as I hope you’ll

follow me, you will have leverage on
more people doing what you do,thus

“I’ll Help You Build An Empire”…

adding more hours of production
building your team..
your business and of course, more leads
and sales will soon happen automatically…
as you follow suit in the structure ahead…
So Stay Tuned for My next Post…

In the meantime, get a pen, and yes
you’re favorite Planner to hone in on
some daily activities…

Money Mike Deluca

See you in my next Post…

For as long as I have done mail order, and have been online for years with tons of advertising and marketing, I realized that the value of what you do for others in really helping them build your relationship first, guide them along the way in complete honesty what you know, and what you can do to help them succeed.. Don't beat around the bush, trying to sell them goods to make a fast buck. They can see right through you!... Asking questions about their true purpose and if you can be the main guy/girl to help that person out to get what they want!.. It's NOT what you can do to get a bunch of sales, But what You can do to help them get sales,of course, but long term, help grow their business to unlimited potential that'll make them overjoyed as you become their major 'go -to' person!.... When do you want to Chat and Get Acquainted?.... Moneymike DeLuca moneymikedeluca@gmail.com phone +1(857)318-5919 My Sizzle Call 800 863 8612
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