Network Marketing – Four Steps to Recruiting Like a Pro Over The Phone

Today we talk about Recruiting people into your Network Marketing business over the phone


So now you’re ready to start inviting from your list of prospects, but your not quite sure how do you go about it……..

Below I will give you a few tips on exactly what you need to do.

Phone calls are the quickest and most efficient way to reach someone you know. They’re warmer and friendlier than the average text message or email, and you don’t have to go out of your way to physically meet your invitee.

You just have to keep one thing in mind: The purpose of this call is to invite the prospect to come and see the business…and that’s all.

You will be tempted to explain the business – heck, you may even want to do the presentation over the phone! Please resist this temptation. Many people are not the auditory type who can easily visualize what you’re saying, and from there agree straight-away to join your business.

Presenting over the phone will most likely not get you the results that you want, and can even deter people from attending the presentation, so zip the lips! It’s better to have them meet you, where you can use every available tool you have in your arsenal to persuade and close them.

So now that the objective is clear, let’s move on to the steps.

Step 1: Preparation

First, set a particular time to make calls. There isn’t one particular schedule that will be an exact fit for everyone, but people usually have time to speak with you in the morning right before work, just after their lunch break, or after work hours. So try to schedule your calls around those times.

Next, find a quiet place where you can make your calls undisturbed, and where you won’t disturb anyone else, say, your office or any private room.

Take a deep breath to clear your head, think about what you’ll say, then begin.

Step 2: Invitation

On the actual call itself, begin with this script:

“Hi Dana, it’s me Roger! How are you? (banter for a while) Great, I won’t take up too much of your time because I have a meeting to attend. I just wanted to share something with you briefly. I’ve just started this amazing business with potential for global distribution, and I want to share it with you. Are you free to meet on Wednesday or Thursday evening?”

Simple, isn’t it? But this script actually does several things: a) it lets you reconnect or build rapport with your prospect; b) it gives them the signal that you don’t have long to talk and thus have no time to give details (the meeting can even be a lunch or dinner); c) it gives them the impression that your big business is worth getting excited about, and; d) it gives them the choice of two dates when YOU’RE free to present.

Feel free to alter the script as necessary, as long as you keep the above elements.

Step 3: Handling Questions & Objections

In a perfect example, your prospect will say, “Yes I’m free,” whereupon you give the time and place to meet for the presentation, thank them, and hang up. Moving on to the next name on your list.

Of course, we don’t live in a perfect world and it’s highly likely that you’ll face some type of objection or questions, so here are some possible answers to questions they may have:

A. What kind of business is this?
Answer: “It’s a bit much to explain the details over the phone. I’d rather you see it for yourself, that’s why we need to meet. Is A or B better” (A or B being the dates and times you choose).

Or you can answer, “It’s a new business concept, that’s why we need to meet. Is A good or …”

B. Is it Sales?
“Why, do you like sales? (Answers yes or no) Great, that’s why we need to meet. Is A good or …”


“We’re not looking for salespeople, we’re looking for business people. Is A good or…”

C. How much do I need to invest?
“We’re not looking for investors, we’re looking for business people. Is A good or …”

“The company is fully funded. We’re looking for smart, key people to work with us. Is A good or …”

D. Is it Company A/Company B (other big name networking companies)?
“It’s not Company A/Company B, that’s why we need to meet. Is A good or …”

E. Is it Networking/MLM/Direct-selling?
“It’s a new business concept, that’s why we need to meet. Is A good or …’”

“What do you know about networking?” (answers sales, recruiting, etc.) “This is not about sales or recruiting, thatís why we need to meet. Is A good or…”

F. Is it a Pyramid Scheme?
“That’s illegal. This business is completely legal, that’s why we need to meet. Is A good or …”

If the prospect is still unsure, you can use the following power lines as well:

a. “You know me, I wouldn’t call you if I didn’t think this is important.”
b. “I’m not asking you to commit to anything. Just come and see what I’m talking about.”
c. “I’m looking for key business people I trust who can be a good fit for this organization. I immediately thought of you.”
d. “If the money is right and it won’t impact what you’re doing now, would you be open to seeing this business?”

Step 4: Secure the Meeting

Once your prospect says yes, agree to the time and place to meet or invite him to an online presentation or webinar. Repeat the time and place so they won’t forget-better yet, email or text it to them. After that, it’s a matter of following them up a day or two before you meet. A great way to confirm the meeting is through video email.

Video email marketing can differentiate you from the competition in many ways.

1.    Stand Out from the Crowd – While everyone’s ramping up their budget to send plain text emails, you can send video emails to gain the competitive advantage.
2.    Be Remembered – It has been proven that the combination of audio and visual stimulus increases retention.
3.    Stay on the Cutting-Edge – Web video and video email are a staple of communication, they’re not going to go away.  Usage of this new medium will only increase.
4.    Be a Leader in Your Field – Usage of web video is on the rise, but it hasn’t yet hit the mainstream markets.
5.    Put a Face to the Name – For the most part, people like to do business with people they know.  Video emails let your prospects get to know you before you even meet them.

Always focus on your objective – to get them to come and see the business, not to give details on the phone. Finally, always give them the impression that you’ll be happy to see them. To do that, simply SMILE while you’re talking. Even if they can’t see you, people can hear a smile through your voice.

Good luck and happy recruiting!

To your success

Dennis Koray
Skype: denniskoray
Dennis Koray

You hate Cold Calling?

Are you one of the people who just hate doing cold calls for your business? Hate getting hung up on in the middle of the call? Looking for a better and easier way and also getting better results?

cold calling
If you’re a network marketer…The answer to this question will unlock the secret to recruiting reps and selling products ‘at will’, all online, without ever picking up the phone…Click the banner below, enter your best email and watch this crazy video…MLM


I'm a german guy born 1979 in Cologne who has always been looking for ways to make money online. I never liked working for someone else, so i started my first business with 24 and never looked back. I went through lot of failures, but finally cracked the code after years of struggle. I love to sleep in, love to eat, love to inspire people to follow their dreams. My favorite question to ask someone is: What would you do if money wasn't an object? I work from home full time and coach people on how to build an income with nothing more than a computer and an internet connection. To learn more, check out my "About me" page.
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