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Squeeze Page Secrets

The industry average is around 30% for squeeze pages.  My squeeze page converts at 51.8% I get almost double the results with my traffic. This saves me a lot of money and maximizes my results. I can’t stress enough how

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Opportunity Cost And The NPN Builder System

What is opportunity cost and why is it an important factor to consider when deciding to join or purchase a new business opportunity? In simple terms you could say it’s the cost your incur by choosing NOT to take up the opportunity

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How to Make A Converting Sales Video

Hey guys, Our sales funnel is currently converting at around 6% from signup to paying member (company wide), which is pretty darn good considering where some of your traffic is coming from;). If you’re not sending traffic to our funnel,

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Internet Marketing – What are the best tools for creating sales funnels?

Today we talk about The Best Tools for Creating a Sales Funnel When it comes to creating the perfect sales funnel, you don’t have to do everything yourself. There are special tools that can help to make it easier to automate,

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Tracking and Measuring – Is Your Sales Funnel Working for You?

Is Your Sales Funnel Working for You? For a sales funnel to be effective and efficient, it needs to be carefully tracked and measured. In fact, tracking and measuring is the most important thing you’ll do in your entire sales process. When

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Sales Funnel – Email Marketing Follow-ups – What to Send Your List

Today we talk about Email Marketing Follow-ups – What to Send Your List Getting people to sign up on your email marketing list is an important first step, but it’s only the beginning of a successful sales funnel. Now you have to

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Internet Marketing – What Are the Best Types of Opt-in Offers for your Sales Funnel?

So you want to know what Are the Best Types of Opt-in Offers for your Sales Funnel? The opt-in offer is the entry-point of your sales funnel. This is a free product or service that entices the visitors to your site

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How do I decide what my sales funnel should look like

So you want to create a sales funnel and need some ideas? All sales funnels have the same basic shape and characteristics – wide at the entry point and gradually narrowing as the prospect moves through it. Each funnel is similar, but

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The Key Components of an Effective Sales Funnel

Yesterday we talked about What Is a Sales Funnel and Why Is It Important for Your Success? Today we look at the Key Components of an effective Sales Funnel. For a sales funnel to work, a few key elements must be in

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What Is a Sales Funnel and Why Is It Important for Your Success?

Over the next 10 days i will be writing about the importance of a Sales Funnel. Today’s article is for Marketers who are relatively new to the concept of sales funnels and want to learn how to create one that

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