I was just ending my night and signing off Facebook when I started thinking about my day and the new people I had the opportunity to meet tonight. I have met some amazing people today. People who truly want to help others in any way possible. I am not going to say that the chance to make money isn’t nice, but it is really about the people.
I have been talking to people about an opportunity called Solavei. Solavei has teamed up with T-Mobile to offer a Nationwide 4G service for $49 a month for unlimited voice, data and text. I get so upset that people don’t even think about the opportunity, but not because I want to make money but because people won’t even step out of their little boxes to take a chance on a service that will actually save them money. Why is it that people will not step out of their comfort zone?
I grew up with a disability. If I stayed in my comfort zone, I would never meet new people, I would never have gone to college, I would never have worked full-time, I would never have owned a home and I certainly would never even consider dating. But I take chances. Sometimes things don’t work out, but at least I know I took a chance. And with each chance comes a learning opportunity.
So if you’re ready to take a chance, join me at Solavei. It is a wonderful at a great price and you may even be able to use your current phone. Take a look: www.solavei.com/bariwynne